مرحباً بالجميع واليوم احب ان اهدي لكم مكس عراقي جديد بأسم انغامي عراقية و هو جزء اول والثاني يأتيكم قريباً ان شاء الله. اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم. تحياتي لجميع الفنانين الموجودة اغانيهم في المكس.
اذا اعجكم المكس اتمنى منكم اللايك و الشير و كومينت لان هناك الكثير مثل هذا في الطريق ان شاء الله.
التصوير و التصميم و الفيديو من تصميمي من شركتي الخاصة E11World Multimedia Design & Development
تابعوني علي كل المواقع الاجتماعية على الانترنيت
Hello everyone,
I’ve got another mix for you today and this one has been on my mind for years. In fact, some of it was inspired by a live set I did about 4 years ago so I hope you like it. Big thanks to all the singers who’s songs are used in the mix.
If you like this mix, subscribe now because more great stuff is coming.
All design elements, photography, animation is done my by myself as well (E11World Multimedia Design & Development) and more to come in the near future as well.
Listen On Anghami استمع على انغامي
Copyright issues!!!
I had to Re-Upload the video after VinTV muted and removed my video for copyright infringement (didn’t like me playing Qias Hisham To2bor Alby and most recently the second Qaish Hisham song Of Yaba so this means NEVER AGAIN using VinTV music and NEVER PROMOTING IT) PFFFT.. so I removed that song and posted it again on YouTube but the full mix is also on MixCloud and SoundCloud in the links below. Enjoy and help out DJs against stupid YouTube automated system that doesn’t even look at the context of the video (shame on VinTV for making it too difficult for DJs to make something beautiful)!
New Video on Youtube (and below)